Why Play together?

Personal growth and transformation happen quicker in community. Most of our worries, hangups and limiting beliefs are relational in some way, and therefore can be repaired in relationship with others. I am also a community builder, and I love bringing people together to explore communication and social skills through creativity and play!



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Play + Ground

During this uncertain time, kids need a space to express their feelings, play together and learn grounding tools they'll have for life.

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Play+Ground: 1+1

Individual sessions for kids to process worries through highly exuberant, imaginative play!


PLAYdating NYC

If you’re single in NYC and you’re sick of online dating, we invite you to try something new. I work with couples all the time who are looking to bring the play and creativity back in their relationship. Why not start there?

This is a frequently offered event where singles connect through play, art, humor, movement and imagination all guided by yours truly!

Come as you are… I promise your mood will be uplifted at this unique and welcoming event.